The Do's and Don'ts of a Quarantine Vacation

We are all spread too thin right now, mommas…the homeschooling, the work-from-homing, the financial stressing, and the unspeakableness that is quarantining with our children and spouses 24/7. It’s all just A LOT to deal with right now.

My fight-or-flight response kicked in and my brain started screaming: We have to get out of here. So I chose flight. That’s right, we went on “vacation” in the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s controversial, I know. But before you start hurling the #stayhome and #flattenthecurve hashtags at me, let me explain. We didn’t undertake our trip lightly or flippantly.

If we were getting out of Dodge, we knew we’d have to maintain our social distance and quarantining practices, not only for our own health and safety, but for the health and safety of others. So I did a ton of careful research and planning to make sure we remained quarantined and properly social distanced, doorstep to doorstep. Here’s what I learned: the dos and don’ts of planning and taking a quarantine “vacation.”